
Pastor Grant Thigpen, Founding & Senior Pastor

Grant Thigpen is the founder and senior pastor of New Hope Ministries in Naples, Florida. He is a native Floridian, born in Fort Myers in 1949. He and Susan were married in 1972, and they have one son, Stephen. Grant joined the U.S. Army in 1969 and was honorably discharged in 1972. His tour of duty included one year in Vietnam.

Grant was raised in a Christian home and has two siblings. His father was the pastor of a non-denominational Pentecostal church. Grant graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center in 1980 and started a home Bible study in Naples in 1982, which was the beginning of New Hope Ministries. The church now has an average weekly attendance of 1,200.

Pastor Grant focuses on the development of the Christian in practical application of living by faith. His ministry has touched the lives of many through his many sound recordings and videos that are sent all across the world.

Pastor Grant also founded the New Hope School of Ministries (NHSM) in 1990. Through this avenue of teaching, many pastors, teachers, and ministries have emerged. His desire is to see the body of Christ develop into its full potential so that the world will see the glory of God manifested through a victorious church.

Pastor Jesse Barrett, Pastoral Care

Jesse Barrett has attended New Hope Ministries since three weeks after his birth – with the exception of a few of his teen years spent in Oklahoma and Colorado. The son of Greg and Tica Barrett, worship pastors at New Hope from 1992 to 2006. Jesse knew at a very early age the calling God placed upon his life was to lead people in Praise & Worship. Jesse’s desire is to guide the congregation into a deeper understanding of worship and experience the life-changing presence of God.

Jesse is a graduate of the New Hope School of Ministries, first and second year. The New Hope School of Ministries has a special place in Jesse’s heart and he believes it’s the best thing anyone can do for themselves aside from salvation. Jesse’s desire is to continue growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Jesse has a beautiful wife, Abbigail, and an equally beautiful and talented daughter, Kaylee. He enjoys spending his free-time with his family and friends, watching movies, reading books, and eating good food.

The scripture verse that is most important to Jesse is Proverbs 19:21, “Man may make many plans, but the Lord’s will prevail.”

Eddy Ramos, Youth Director

Eddy Ramos has had nearly six years of previous combined Youth Ministry experience at the Center of International Worship Church as well as here at New Hope Ministries. He attended New Hope throughout Middle and High School and has continued to cultivate lasting relationships with NHM congregation members. Eddy began serving at New Hope in October 2018 through volunteering with the Middle School group for over half a year. He then came onto staff in May 2019 as Youth Leader, overseeing Middle School and High School Students. Eddy has a passion for developing relationships with the younger generations and strongly believes in preparing them with the right information and truth on how to deal with the challenges that this world poses. He is committed to building students’ confidence in the fact that God loves them and there’s nothing they need to prove to Him.

Renee Moore, Children's Ministry Director

Renee Moore has been a member of New Hope Ministries for over 30 years and is currently in the second year of our School of Ministries. She has over 26 years of experience in Christian Education and loves all things having to do with children. She has a range of certifications and a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Manchester University. Her passion is to partner with parents and lead children and their families to the LORD. Renee loves the Lord and our church and wants to deliver on Pastor’s vision for the ministry. She feels the LORD has been preparing her for this position her whole life.

Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.

Jonny Waters, Worship Leader

Jonny grew up on the Outer and Inner banks of North Carolina. When he was not at church with his family, he was most likely to be found working on a commercial fishing boat or playing football for his small-town school. He joined the US Army immediately after high school in response to the attacks on 9/11 and served as a combat Infantryman in Operation Iraqi Freedom I and II. After serving his country, Jonny attended East Carolina University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree, and later Regent University, where he earned a master’s degree. 

Jonny’s wife Chelcie and their cherished children, Kelcie and Christian, are his top priority after first seeking God. Jonny and Chelcie were quaintly married in 2015 on a gondola in Venice, Italy and have been growing in the Lord together ever since as they seek to give their family a firm foundation in God’s love and grace. They first discovered southwest Florida when taking anniversary trips to the area to relive their Italian romance. Their son Christian is a living testimony of God’s miraculous power as God blessed the family with him after years of scientifically inexplicable infertility. They found out about Christian right after Jonny decided to fully submit to God’s calling on his life and enter vocational ministry exclusively.


Jonny has been serving God with his musical gifts as a worship leader since 2018. Jonny has been intrigued with music for as long as he can remember. He would play for his battle buddies to boost morale in Iraq and Germany; music became a successful secular career later in early adult life and he has since devoted his gift to furthering the Kingdom.


Jonny and his family are excited to be a part of the New Hope family and are looking forward to serving the church and community!